RAW YOGA - Spiritual Counseling guides you to connect your body, mind and spirit. You go deep and look at the root cause of your imbalance, understand it and then release it. Repeat again and again until you shift your energy from the darkness to the light and you discover a new and lighter path.
RAW YOGA - Spiritual Counseling is inspired by ancient yoga wisdom and adapted to modern day life. Here we use a holistic approach considering the physical and mental constitution, to self-healing and gaining clarity on life's purpose and maintaining a healthy energy level for longevity. Every person's RAW YOGA - Spiritual Counseling is unique to their own matrix and yet based on the same structure.
It takes 40 days to break an old habit and 90 days to build a new habit.
RAW YOGA - The 40 Day Program
The RAW YOGA - 40 Day Program consists of 5 weekly one-on-one RAW YOGA - Spiritual Counseling meetings and a 40 day self-study assignment including daily support. The meeting is an intuitive and conscious conversation that guides you to your roots and through your layers of conditioning and trauma. Your progress begins instantly when you begin with small and powerful changes where you peel layer by layer of your conditioning until your mental and emotional patterns start to change. The self-study is created from a variety of resources found in yoga texts, yoga philosophy, yoga mantras and yoga prayers. Your daily support is via text and during my office hours.
Why 40 days?
We have a few examples across different faiths and human science that describe the 40 day time period as a complete transformation. The Buddha sat 40 days under the Bodhi tree in deep meditation and attained enlightenment. Jesus fasted for 40 days in the desert and resisted the devils temptations and then ascended to heaven. Our human biological chemistry takes 40 days to renew all of our red blood cells.
Who is it for?
RAW YOGA - Spiritual Counseling is for adults with mental and behavioral health imbalances. Or if you are stuck in your in your story or at the end of your rope, this is your path to overcome your obstacles and heal, open your heart and take life in your own hands.
What to expect?
You can expect to shift into a more positive mindset, hope, gratitude and clarity. You begin to see your possibilities and you are able to make choices that align with your souls purpose. You experience a natural flow within yourself and then with your surrounding.
Before you begin I would like to invite you to hop on the next page by tapping the button below. You get to a form where you can briefly introduce yourself and share the essence of your story. I will get back to you as soon as I can to go over the details with you. I want to be sure that you make an informed decision and to answer any of your questions. I can't wait to hear from you.
Public Events
Mental/Behavioral Health Treatment
Substance Abuse Rehabilitation